" I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be. "


pietro codara - about me


photo gallery - cities, people, and places

charol blog - blog [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]




codies "I could probably tell you what I did after I went home, and how I got sick and all, and what school I'm supposed to go to next fall, after I get out of here, but I don't feel like it. I really don't. That stuff doesn't interest me too much right now. A lot of people, especially this one psychoanalyst guy they have here, keeps asking me if I'm going to apply myself when I go back to school next September. It's such a stupid question, in my opinion. I mean how do you know what you're going to do till you do it? The answer is, you don't. I think I am, but how do I know? I swear it's a stupid question."   -  The photo gallery of



charol "When they got up to go, the two nuns, I did something very stupid and embarrassing. I was smoking a cigarette, and when I stood up to say good-by to them, by mistake I blew some smoke in their face. I didn't mean to, but I did it. I apologized like a madman, and they were very polite and nice about it, but it was very embarrassing anyway. After they left, I started getting sorry that I'd only given them ten bucks for their collection. But the thing was, I'd made that date to go to a matinee with old Sally Hayes, and I needed to keep some dough for the tickets and stuff. I was sorry anyway, though. Damn money. It always ends up making you blue as hell."   -   Un open blog. Un caffè in centro. Discussioni e commenti su politica, società, vita, e favole. [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]



Dicono fra loro sragionando: " La nostra vita è breve e triste; non c'è rimedio quando l'uomo muore, e non si conosce nessuno che liberi dal regno dei morti. Siamo nati per caso e dopo saremo come se non fossimo stati: è un fumo il soffio delle nostre narici, il pensiero è una scintilla nel palpito del nostro cuore, spenta la quale, il corpo diventerà cenere e lo spirito svanirà come aria sottile. Il nostro nome cadrà, con il tempo, nell'oblio e nessuno ricorderà le nostre opere. La nostra vita passerà come traccia di nuvola, si dissolverà come nebbia messa in fuga dai raggi del sole e abbattuta dal suo calore. Passaggio di un'ombra è infatti la nostra esistenza e non c'è ritorno quando viene la nostra fine, poiché il sigillo è posto e nessuno torna indietro. [...] " Hanno pensato così, ma si sono sbagliati; la loro malizia li ha accecati.


Movimento per la vita Associazione Scienza e Vita
scienza e vita


Special Session on many-valued logics


Special at IEEE SSCI


Operazione Mato Grosso


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